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Cirrus SR22T or Diamond DA50 RG? Which Will Owner Choose?

In this video, we compare the Diamond DA50 RG and the Cirrus SR22T through the eyes of Chris Sneed, an SR22T owner who's just received his brand new DA50! Watch Chris's training journey and hear his thoughts on how the DA50 stacks up against his familiar Cirrus. Discover the differences in performance, handling, and overall experience between these two popular general aviation aircraft.


Taking Delivery of a Brand NEW Diamond DA62

General aviation flying can help many people achieve their dreams. It is an incredible tool that saves time for those who need to be in many places at once.

For the MacFadden family, their dream came true when they took delivery of their brand new Diamond DA62. Before they flew it home for the first time, our team spoke with them about their experience and why they chose it as their dream airplane.


Official Diamond DA50 RG Full Demo Flight

What is it like to fly the all new Jet-A burning Diamond DA50 RG? For the first time ever, we are bringing a full Diamond DA50 RG Demo Flight to you!


Landing the Diamond DA50 RG on a 3000' Runway?? | DREAM FLIGHT to FIRST FLIGHT

Since he was a boy, Diamond Aircraft test pilot Jarred has dreamed of flying to First Flight Airport... the place where the Wright Brothers first took to the skies in 1903. Today we make that dream a reality.


Which Airplane is Better? | Cessna 172 vs Diamond DA40 NG | Full Comparison

The Single Engine Showdown! Enjoy this full Nose to Nose Comparison video of the most popular training aircraft ever built — the Cessna 172 VS the technologically advanced Jet-A burning Diamond DA40 NG. Which airplane is right for you? In this video we dig into the history, specs and safety characteristics of each airplane and much more!


Why Do We Fly Diamond Aircraft? | The Story of LifeStyle Aviation

John Armstrong was a pilot long before glass panels and 'computerized aircraft' were a part of the aviation industry. Jon Gutekunst had a history of flying steam gauge military aircraft. Sharon Raub began her aviation career in 50-year-old flight school planes. And Sam Linton grew up in Alaska where bush flying was his way of life.


Flying the DA50 RG Around the World

For most pilots, flying around the world is a distant dream. For Matthias Niederhäuser and Robin Wenger, that dream is a reality! Beginning in Switzerland, these pilots are circumnavigating the globe in the Jet-A burning, FADEC-controlled, carbon fiber Diamond DA50 RG.


Buying a Phenom 300

Is the Phenom 300 the BEST light jet for a business owner? Join Jon Gutekunst from LifeStyle Aviation as we explore the possibilities of private jet travel.


We Flew our DA62 in Formation

Ever wonder how photos of airborne airplanes are captured? We're taking you behind the scenes with our Diamond DA62 and DA42 twin engine aircraft. Join our team for a fun formation flight, and learn how Lifestyle Aviation captures Air-to-Air photo and video content of our brand new Diamond Aircraft inventory.


Which Diamond Aircraft is Best?

We lined up every airplane in the Diamond Aircraft fleet so you didn't have to. Does the DA50 RG live up to the hype? Should I buy a DA40 or a DA42-VI? How fast is the DA62?


Official Diamond DA40 NG Demo Flight

Ever wonder how photos of airborne airplanes are captured? We're taking you behind the scenes with our Diamond DA62 and DA42 twin engine aircraft. Join our team for a fun formation flight, and learn how Lifestyle Aviation captures Air-to-Air photo and video content of our brand new Diamond Aircraft inventory.


5 Secrets People Don't Know About Private Aviation

You've probably experienced the busyness of an airport terminal, but did you know there is a private aviation side to most commercial airports? Watch John share his knowledge and experience in a world of aviation that is misunderstood.